BestBot: It’s here!!

I’m so excited to both address the Woogles community and announce BestBot! Yes, those rumors you’ve been hearing are true: we’ve launched it!
What’s so great about BestBot?
Woogles has always had five bots, with HastyBot being the hardest. BestBot is a new, AI-driven bot that beats HastyBot about 60% of the time. Not only is it smarter than Hasty Bot, but it also thinks about more than total equity. Sure, it cares about the score and the leave for each move, but it plays more like an expert, using a simulation to look at least five moves ahead. And when it comes to the endgame, BestBot looks at every option. (OK, almost every option. It has its limits, just like you and me.)
Who should get BestBot?
It’s definitely for grandmasters and grandmasters to be. Now, those groups of elite players can finally be challenged with BestBot while supporting the Woogles mission of bringing our passion to the world.
But wait, there’s more!
I learned that BestBot is also great for those who play slowly (like me). You see, BestBot needs time to run all those fancy algorithms, giving we humans a chance to think on the bot’s clock - just like in a real game.
How do I sign up for BestBot?
The easiest way is to start a game with a computer, and choose BestBot. You’ll get instructions from there. Part of that process will include creating a username with Patreon (if you don’t already have one) and signing up for a giving level ($3, $10 or $20/month.)
Wait, it’s not free?
True enough, it is not free. Even a non-profit like Woogles, where everyone is a volunteer, has expenses. Your subscription to BestBot helps us keep all the other bots free. So, what are you waiting for???
And before I close - thank you to the many Wooglers who created BestBot. You know who you are, and I bet half the people who are still reading also know :)