During the times of the ancient Akkadian empire, OMGWords was a very popular game. Back then, after townspeople were done with their work for the day, they would gather under dim candlelight and play OMGWords on cuneiform tablets. Their main lexicon, SWL (Sumerian Word List) contained many loanwords from Akkadian, Eblaite, Elamite, Hittite, and many other languages.

On the first Friday after Ishtar every year, there would be a big tournament in the city-state of Ur#, and the winners would be celebrated through the land. Champion Ea-Nigel was one of the best known of this time, famed for his knowledge of all the words and strategy to boot.

Alas, this tradition has been lost to time, until now. Moved to the first Friday after Easter, World OMGWords Day is celebrated on woogles.io with a rapid tournament - 4 games, 7 minutes per side - echoing the speedy players of yore. The inaugural tournament last night brought two former US National Champions and featured players from all around the globe.

The NWL tournament was won by cesar, and the CSW tournament was won by jellomochas. Congratulations to both! You can see the games and results here. Thanks to everyone for playing!

CSW results

NWL results